1- Ph.D student of Nahj al-Balagha University of Qur'an and Hadith Qom, Qom, Iran. , sydhsynrshydyfrd@gmail.com 2- Associate Professor Department of Hadith Sciences, University of Qur'an and Hadith Qom, Qom, Iran.
Abstract: (823 Views)
One of the most important social events in the history of Islam, which has caused social and party differences among Muslims, is the public uprising against the third caliph Uthman bin Affan and his death. His performance in the field of appointing non-committed agents, unfair distribution of public property and non-implementation of some Islamic rules and regulations caused widespread protests and a revolutionary movement against the third caliph. Sociological analysis of the aforementioned movement, classification and examination of the formation stages of this social phenomenon is the subject of the present research. In this article, we seek to investigate the goals, stages of formation and classification of this important social phenomenon of early Islam with a sociological approach, with a library review of historical texts, early and late narratives.
Rashidi Fard S H, Qolamali M. Typology, goals and formation stages of the social movement against the third caliph With a sociological approach. - 2024; 15 (54) :101-122 URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2128-en.html