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:: Volume 15, Issue 54 (spring 2024) ::
- 2024, 15(54): 75-100 Back to browse issues page
The idea of de-antiquarianism in Iran during the era of the Islamic Revolution (Etymology and intellectual criterion)
Seyed Hossein Hashemizadeh1 , Amir Mohsen Erfan2 , Reza Bigdelu3 , Amir Siahpoosh4
1- Doctoral student of the Islamic Studies School, Department of History and Islamic Civilization, University of Islamic Education, Qom, Iran (Responsible Author). , hashemizade9056@gmail.com
2- Assistant Professor Department of Islamic History and Civilization, University of Islamic Education, Qom, Iran.
3- Assistant Professor of the Department of History, Research Institute of Law Enforcement Sciences and Social Studies, Tehran, Iran.
4- Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Revolution, University of Islamic Education, Qom, Iran.
Abstract:   (746 Views)
Undoubtedly, one of the conditions for the revival of Islamic civilization is the correct explanation of the relationship between the national and religious dimensions of identity, and the explanation of each of the distinct intellectual approaches to the ancient identity of Iranians is one of the prerequisites for the cultural engineering of these two identity dimensions. The current research deals with the explanation of the intellectual indicators and the causes of the antiquarian attitude in Iran during the era of the Islamic Revolution with an explanatory method. The findings of the research show that: "Belief in the fakeness of the Aryan race, belief in the active role of Jews in distorting the history of ancient Iran, controversy in the personality of Cyrus, belief in the splendor of Iranian civilization before the Achaemenids and denying it from the Achaemenids until the advent of Islam" Intellectual indicators And "ethnicism, seeing the ancient identity as conflicting with the Islamic identity and the failure to establish compatibility between these two categories, the long dominance of the archaism trend before the revolution and the contention of the Pahlavi regime on it", are among the causes of the de-antiquarian approach in the era of the Islamic Revolution.
Keywords: Intellectual indicators, de-antiquarianism, archaism, anti-archaism, falsification of Achaemenid history, ancient identity.
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Received: 2022/12/22 | Accepted: 2023/07/10 | Published: 2024/11/13
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Hashemizadeh S H, Erfan A M, Bigdelu R, Siahpoosh A. The idea of de-antiquarianism in Iran during the era of the Islamic Revolution (Etymology and intellectual criterion). - 2024; 15 (54) :75-100
URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1924-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 54 (spring 2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی تاریخ فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی The History of Islamic Culture and Civilization A Quarterly Research Journal
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