1- Assistant professor from Payam Noor University of Tehran. , fah_kalbasiisfahani@yahoo.com 2- MA in Shiite history.
Abstract: (2609 Views)
In historical research codification, biography and personality of good characters in history is investigated but conducting research of bad characters is done less though the latter have always had pivotal roles in different affairs during the history and this demands a necessary analysis.
The present paper attempts to analyze the Amr ibn al-As’ function in the history of Islam and also, according to main resources and implementation of the data, Amr ibn al-As’ role in different affairs as well as the hidden and clear scenes of the Islam history will be investigated. Amr ibn al-As was one of the Arab cheaters and deceivers of Quraysh tribe who had played different roles in various events based on his own cryptic and clever character. He chose his political orientations just based on his personal interests and without considering ethical, religious, and humane criteria, he applied deception, trick, lie, hiding the truth, accusation, and oppression to reach his own aims. For this reason, a considerable part of the events of the Islam history has been formed based on his evil character.