:: Volume 6, Issue 21 (Winter 2016) ::
- 2016, 6(21): 29-48 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Islamic Scholars in the Scienceof Dentistry An investigation of an Independent Dentistry Work (in Iran, in the third century) (A.H.)
Nasrin Nakhi 1, Farid Qasemlou2
1- MA in history and civilization of Islamic nations , siminkafash@ymail.com
2- Encyclopedia of Islam World
Abstract:   (4176 Views)

It seems that every branch of medicine in the past was not considered as a separate science unlike the present time and a doctor or physician had expertise in all of the medical and therapeutic fields.  Dentistry was not an exception. Dentistry was among the sciences that was of interest to Muslims and Hunayn Ibn Ishaq was among the few scientists who had authored some independent works in that field, such as al-Asnan (the Teeth), al-Asnan wa al-Litha (the Teeth and Gums), Kitab Hifz al-Asnan wa al-Litha wa Stislahiha (On the Preservation of the Teeth and Gums). All of the mentioned works were cited in the valid references. In this article, we attempted to examine the most important remained work of Hunayn Ibn Ishaq in the field of dentistry: Kitab Hifz al-Asnan wa al-Litha wa Stislahiha.

Keywords: Islamic medicine, Gundishapur, Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Kitab Hifz al-Asnan wa al-Litha wa Stislahiha, Dental diseases, Gum diseases.
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Received: 2015/04/14 | Accepted: 2015/06/17 | Published: 2017/03/6

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Volume 6, Issue 21 (Winter 2016) Back to browse issues page