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:: Volume 3, Issue 9 (Winter 2013) ::
- 2013, 3(9): 61-90 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Tabarestan's Scholars and Scientific Environment in Transferring the Knowledge of Sassanid Era to Islamic Civilization
Mostafa Moallemee 1, Ahad Mehrabannejad2
1- Assistant professor from M’arif Department of mazandaran Medical University. , moallemee@gmail.com
2- Invited Lecturer of the Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch and MA in general history of the world.
Abstract:   (2430 Views)
Regarding the topics of culture and civilization of the Muslim nations, the role of the pre-Islamic civilizations in formation of the Muslims' civilization or the effective scientific centers in transferring the scientific heritage of the past to the Islamic world have often been discussed. Iranian, Greek, Indian, and Egyptian civilizations are the most important of these civilizations. To mention Iran scientific centers at the end of the Sassanid period, one could point out to Jondishapoor or Khorasan especially Nishaboor and Marv, Shahjan and some scientists emerged from these regions or from those immigrated to these places. The present study attends to the role of the Tabarestan scientists and its culturo-scientific environment in transferring knowledge from Sassanid period into Islamic civilization. It seems that Tabarestan was an active center in academic affairs during the early A.H. centuries in some fields such as medicine, astronomy, mathematic, and even Persian literature. Using various resources, reports, and historical documents, the present paper mentions some of the scientists of this area and then it will give an analysis of their scientific growth. Then, referring to their scientific effective evidences on the new scientific environment of Islam world, this paper attempts to investigate the role of Tabarestan in transferring knowledge from Sassanid period to the Islamic period.
Keywords: knowledge of the Sassanid period, Tabarestan, Islamic civilization, Bezist Ibn Piroozan, Yahya Ibn (Abi) Mansoor, Amr Ibn Farkhan, Mohammad Ibn Amr Ibn Farkhan, Ali Ibn Reyn Tabari.
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Received: 2012/09/26 | Accepted: 2013/01/2 | Published: 2013/01/15
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Moallemee M, mehrabannejad A. The Role of Tabarestan's Scholars and Scientific Environment in Transferring the Knowledge of Sassanid Era to Islamic Civilization. - 2013; 3 (9) :61-90
URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1168-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 9 (Winter 2013) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی تاریخ فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی The History of Islamic Culture and Civilization A Quarterly Research Journal
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