Associate Professor Department of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran. ,
Abstract: (704 Views)
The possibility of mistakes in the process of diagnosis and treatment requires ensuring the professional competence of doctors. Therefore, in Islamic civilization, according to the experiences of the past nations and the needs of today, the examination and issuing of licenses to start therapeutic activities, along with the modernization and monitoring of the process of providing medical and pharmaceutical services in order to ensure quality, and continued with ups and downs in different regions of the Islamic world. On the one hand, this was the result of reasons such as patient rights, and on the other hand, ensuring proper training. In this research, by relying on the collection of data from various sources in a descriptive-analytical method, it is tried to investigate the causes and necessity of the medical exam in the flourishing period of Islamic civilization and the process and manner of exam of medical graduates before starting their work. It seems that the issuance of medical certificate as a key point in the chain of medical services, in addition to being influenced by past traditions, was caused by the activity of quack at some times and the occurrence of medical mistakes. On the other hand, the need for updating and monitoring during professional activity has been considered in order to guarantee quality.