1- from Research Institute for Science History of the University of Tehran , nikseresht@ut.ac.ir 2- of Islamic nations from Imam Khomeini International University
Abstract: (4130 Views)
One of the topics being dealt by the scholars of Elm ul-Heyl (the equivalence approximated to Mechanical Engineering) is the designing of the fountains being changed in form by defined intervals. Three types of these fountains next to a fountain without change of form have been proposed in the book “Al-Torogh ulSanniyah fi Al-Alat Al-Rouhanyah” written by Taqioddin Mohammad Ibn M’aroof known as Rased (993 AH/ 1585 AD) who was a great scientist in 10th century AH and astronomer of the Istanbul Observatory. Only a volume form this book has been remained which has been printed as a facsimile print. Reconstructing the three dimensional form of the fountains with software 3D MAX, the paper explains the points related to them. In the appendix of the paper, the correction and translation of the section related to the fountains from Taqioddin’s book are presented to be used by the researchers and interested people.
NIkseresht I, Nazari S. Elm ul-Heyl in the Period of Islamic Civilization Decline: Correction and Review of the Fountains of the Book “Al-Torogh ul-Sanniyah fi Al-Alat Al-Rouhanyah”. - 2015; 6 (20) :71-98 URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-267-en.html