1- of Theology and Islamic M’arif Department from AllamehTabatabaie University 2- from AllamehTabatabaie University , mrs.besharati@yahoo.com
Abstract: (5462 Views)
Before the rise of Islam, a tradition was governing known by the Holy Quran as “the primary jahiliyya”. For some commentators, the word “primary” conveys existence of two types of jahiliyya including primary and secondary. To illustrate the mentioned viewpoint, by applying a content analysis method, present paper provides a response to the principal question on the factors of Jahiliyya`s Culture and its representations in the present era? The results of this study imply that there are some factors in jahiliyya`s culture such as false ideas about god, ignorantly-made judgments, prejudice and adornment. Since these factors are not limited to a specific geography or time, they can create jahiliyya`s culture in every place and time. Among its examples in contemporary societies, one can refer to racial discrimination, secularism, unfair judicial decrees and regulations, self-glorification and showing off adornment in public etc.