Islamic M’arif University ,
Abstract: (3902 Views)
Applying an analytico-descriptive method, this research is an attempt to investigate the style of Imams` manner against false claimants of Mahdaviat. In response to the question on “how was the manner of the innocent Imams in dealing with false claimants of Mahdaviat”, this study emphasizes that their manner of opposition was a kind of “crisis management”. To deal with false claimants, Imams adopted decisions led to decrease of the process of claimants emergence followed by controlling and disposing them. In this regard, we are encountered with two types of phases including “disposal management in the prior phase” and “disposal management in posterior phase”. As for the next step of the study, the Imams’ strategies are investigated in each section. The studies conducted in this paper are considered as an introduction to answer the question what pattern shall be used against false claimants.