1- from Tarbiat Modaares University 2- from Tarbiat Modaares University , jneyestani@modares.ac.ir 3- from the University of Mazandaran
Abstract: (3705 Views)
Rostaqobad is the name of a city or village close to which the first center of Askar Mokram in Khozestan was founded. However, the written sources show that there have been more than one place called Rostaqobad. Firstly, it is a place from suburbs of Dastva in Khozestan and the other or other areas are located in Iraq. This diversity makes some problems in terms of identifying Rostaqobadi location which has been the palace of important events in the second half of the first century AH. Accordingly, the life history of Rostaqobad of Dastva remains in an aura of ambiguity. The results of the study clearly show that Khozestan’s Rastaqobad had had its own independent identity and life up to ninety AH and only slightly after this date, because of formation of the first center of Askar Mokram city and its development, it has lost its name and identity and it has been replaced by Askar Mokram.
Ataie M, Neyestani J, Moosavi Kohpar S M, Moosavi Haji S R. Khozestan’s Rostaqobad Versus Iraq’s Rostaqobad (A Study of Historical Geography About the Places with Similar Names). - 2014; 5 (16) :113-130 URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-332-en.html