1- , Islamic Studies Department, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, Iran; Ph.D Student of Islamic Studies, Islamic History and Civilization , Islamic Studies University , sadegh.hoseynik@yahoo.com 2- , Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute
Abstract: (3681 Views)
Baninazir where one of the Jewish Medina tribes who signed a contract with the Holly Prophet (PCUH), but later they violated it. Study of their manners of confrontation with the Prophet in the Holy Quran is the main purpose of this article. The Quran view of this incident in terms of attitude and writing reflects how the Qur'an considers the historical events and reflects the quality of the processing of an event and its reflection with regards to the philosophy of the descent of this divine scripture. This research, which is descriptive-analytical and interpretative in nature, seeks to answer this question: How the Baninazir' Ghazveh is reflected in the Quran with an emphasis on the attitudinal and writing patterns of the historiography of the Quran? Since the purpose of the Holy Qur'an is the guidance of mankind, the structure of the historical reports in the Quran is a special structure oriented towards achieving this aim. The hint and the manner of the reflection of the Baninazir's Ghazveh in the Holy Quran require particular attention in terms of the attitudinal and writing patterns.
Hosseini Kajani S M S, Jabbari M R. Investigation of the Reflection of Baninazir's Ghazveh in the Holy Quran with an Emphasis on the Attitudinal and Writing Patterns of the Quran Historiography. - 2018; 8 (29) :47-70 URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-467-en.html