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:: Volume 15, Issue 55 (Summer 2024) ::
- 2024, 15(55): 121-146 Back to browse issues page
Issuance of Jihadi Fatwas by the Ottoman Turks and its feedback in the Islamic world In the First World War
Mehdi Vazini Afzal1 , Mahdi Dehghani2
1- Assistant Professor of History Department, Jiroft University, Kerman, Iran (corresponding author). , drmahdivazin@gmail.com
2- Assistant Professor of the Department of History, Jiroft University, Kerman, Iran.
Abstract:   (1911 Views)
With the beginning of the First World War, the Ottoman Turks, with the help of the Germans, proposed the idea of a great Islamic Jihad against the Allies in order to put pressure on the Russians and the British on different fronts. The goal was to exploit the capacity of Islamic anti-colonial movements and threaten the interests of the Allies with Islamist slogans. This article tries to analyze the process of issuing Ottoman jihadi fatwas against the Allies and its effect on the political and military participation of the Muslims of the world by using Ottoman Turkish sources and the archives of the Ottoman Prime Minister. The findings of the research show that as a result of the issuance of five fatwas, the tension between the people of Muslim countries and the Allies increased, especially in the Caucasus region, and several local uprisings were formed in Azerbaijan and North Africa against the Allies. But the declaration of Jihad did not fulfill all the expectations of the Turks. This plan was accompanied by extensive propaganda and left a great spiritual impact in Islamic societies, but it did not lead to significant achievements in the field. Because Osmani did not have a strong political, financial and military support to advance the Great Jihad, and the territorial reality and the formation of Arab nationalist movements had largely overshadowed the slogans of the Islamic Union of Turks. Also, most of the Islamic governments were against involving their country to protect Ottoman interests and analyzed the World War as an opportunity to end the centuries of Ottoman Turks showing power in their borders.
Keywords: Ottoman Turks, World War I, anti-colonialism, Islamic governments, Islamic movements.
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Received: 2022/10/4 | Accepted: 2023/03/5 | Published: 2025/03/10
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Vazini Afzal M, Dehghani M. Issuance of Jihadi Fatwas by the Ottoman Turks and its feedback in the Islamic world In the First World War. - 2024; 15 (55) :121-146
URL: http://tarikh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1827-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 55 (Summer 2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی تاریخ فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی The History of Islamic Culture and Civilization A Quarterly Research Journal
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