1- Assistant Professor of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran (Corresponding Author). , gohari-fa@um.ac.ir 2- Master's degree in History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
Abstract: (1557 Views)
The Prophet's succession was The most important issue in the history of Islam at the beginning of Islam, which overshadowed all subsequent events. Each of the companions who found themselves worthy of the caliphate sought to assume the office of the caliphate. A group sought to achieve this goal from the very beginning, but the other group, which failed to achieve this goal at the beginning, was with the winner trying to gain a strong record to hold it in the following periods. Among these people was Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, who after the death of the Prophet He did not participate in the disputes between companions to gain power and only took the side of the victorious person in the field, namely Sheikhin, During the era of Abu Bakr and especially Umar, he gave advice and fatwas on important government matters, that is why Umar entrusted him with the right to appoint the next caliph in case of a tie in the Shura. Abdur Rahman also sought help from this to achieve his goals. By setting the condition of following the way of Sheikhin, which followed the election of Uthman; He is waiting for the caliphate after him. That's why he started to act as a secretary, which he was not known for before. because he wanted to show that he is worthy of the caliphate; But contrary to his idea, Uthman sided with Bani Umayyah. After that, he regretted what he had done and wanted to rise against Uthman, but no one accompanied him.