Associate Professor of the History Department of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. ,
Abstract: (1483 Views)
The second period of the Abbasid caliphs (232-322 AH) with the emergence of several factors, some of which were rooted in the policies of the rulers of the first Abbasid period, the prestige and concentration along with the authority of the caliphate institution faced a serious and deteriorating challenge. The caliphate system was a toy in the hands of the power-seekers who had seized the sovereign affairs. A few of the caliphs of the period started and pursued reformist efforts in various elements in order to restore the former status of the mentioned institution and, according to their belief, by identifying structural damages, gaining the satisfaction of the people and the properties of the society, and restoring the basic position of the caliphate. In the present research, it is tried to analyze the set of actions of reformer caliphs based on library studies and descriptive-analytical method. The findings of research mean that reform efforts in political, economic, military, social and scientific-educational dimensions have been more or less visible; But the achievements have not left a significant impact on the reform of the structure and its continuity.