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An Introduction to the Civilization Capacity Measuring of the Jurisprudential Verses of the Quran (27972 Views)
Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Management Practices in Converging the Medina Market to the Economic Teachings of Islam (13677 Views)
Elaborating on and criticizing the foundations of the theory of the clash of civilizations and its contradiction with peace and security in the history of Islam (11808 Views)
Identification of Imam Hossein’s (AS) School Characteristics Relying on Abu Mikhnaf’s Maqtal al-Hossein (8904 Views)
A sociological study based on the views of Robert Wuthnow (8823 Views)
Investigating the Position of Ale Oyoun Government and it Role in Developing Shia in Bahrain (8408 Views)
The Inscriptions of the Schools in the Safavid Era as Symbolic Media of the Shiite Art A Case Study of Chahar Bagh School–Mosque in Isfahan (7134 Views)
A Critical Investigation into Imam Hossein's (AS) Martyrdom Place An Analysis of the Sacrifice Pit Belief (7034 Views)
Ambassadors and a narrative of the decline of power relations in the Safavid court in travelogues (From Shah Safi to Shah Sultan Hussein) (6521 Views)
Analysis of Art Etiquette and Principles Based on the Books of Gallantry and Its Comparison with University Education Methods (Case Study: Bachelor of Islamic Art) (6484 Views)
A historical approach to the meaning of the word "Wali" (6479 Views)
Explaining the semantic field of the concept of "history" in Nahj al-Balaghah (6410 Views)
The Part of Shiite State of Sarbedaran of Khorasan in Spreading Shi`ism and Islamic Civilization (6244 Views)
A Comparative Study of the Structure and Composition in the Painting of Second Tabriz School and Ottoman School (A Case Study of Shah Tahmasb’s Shahnameh and Soleymannameh) (5931 Views)
An Inquiry into the use of (5561 Views)
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The Impact of Hypocrisy and Hypocrites on the Position of the Companions toward the Event of Ghadir Khumm The Impact of Hypocrisy and Hypocrites on the Position of the Companions toward the Event of Ghadir Khumm (5457 Views)
Quranic Factors of Jahiliyya`s Culture and its Representations in the Modern Societies (5331 Views)
Muslim Scholars and Identification of Islamic Civilization (5330 Views)
Evolution of Muslim Historians’ Explanations from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries (A.H) (5329 Views)
The First Pahlavi Government (Reza Shah) and the Threatening of Religious Scholars (5295 Views)
Imams’ (AS) Confrontation with the Ethical Nihilists’s Intellectual and Cultural Deviations (with an Emphasis on Deferrers and Extremists) (5281 Views)
Continuity of the Educational Tradition of the Religious Institution in Iran during the Zand Dynasty (5269 Views)
Reflections of Different Aspects of Folk Arts of in the Paintings of Holy Shrines in Lahijan in the Qajar Period (5263 Views)
Research on the Principles of Eye Surgery Medicine Based on Ghafeqi’ Al-Murshid fi Teb al-Ain (5147 Views)
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Religio-cultural elements for the appearance and continuance of Shāh Ismāil I and Shāh Tahmāsp I`s political life (7726 Downloads)
Analysis of the Attribution of the Second Volume of Irshad al-Qulub to Hassan ibn Muhammad Daylami (7599 Downloads)
Analysis of the Shiite Discourse in Several Images of Imam Ali from the Ilkhanid to the Safavid Eras (7415 Downloads)
A Critical Study of the Orientalists` Views on the Part of Holy War in Spreading Islam during Prophet`s Lifetime (3153 Downloads)
The Part of Shiite State of Sarbedaran of Khorasan in Spreading Shi`ism and Islamic Civilization (2746 Downloads)
A Survey of the Greatest Prophet`s Strategy in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah Peace with Regard to SWOT model (2706 Downloads)
The Approaches Regarding the Influence of Gnosticism and Sufism in the Process of Islamic Civilization (2443 Downloads)
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رسالت‌شناسی عالمان در انتقال و ارتقاء سرمایه فرهنگی از نظرگاه امیرمؤمنان× با سنجش تاریخی کنش‌گری فرهنگی محقق کرکی (2138 Downloads)
تحلیل تاریخی روایات اهلبیت (ع) درباره صلح امام حسن (ع) بر پایه گزارش های متون کهن (تا قرن پنجم هجری) (2138 Downloads)
Investigation of the Increase Trend in the Quantity of the Tombs in Tabriz Based on Ruzat al-Jinan, Ruzat Al-Athar, Ulad Al-Athar, and Manzar Al-Uliya Books from the Early Islamic Centuries to the Late Safavid Era (1933 Downloads)
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A Study on the Umayyid`s plan of way in Government with an Emphasis on Alavid Knowledge of Enemy (1508 Downloads)
Evolution of Muslim Historians’ Explanations from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries (A.H) (1496 Downloads)
Geographic Significance of Mamasani and its Civilizational Role in Persian Gulf Shores (1486 Downloads)
Study of the Themes of Nastaliq Inscriptions in the Carpets of Safavid Period of Iran (1456 Downloads)
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فصلنامه علمی تاریخ فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی The History of Islamic Culture and Civilization A Quarterly Research Journal
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